Friday, November 11, 2011

Individual or Teams of 3

For Time
7 Power Clean & Jerk 70/50
15 Horizontal Row
6 Power Clean & Jerk
17 Horizontal Row
5 Power Clean & Jerk
20 Horizontal Row

WOD-Teams of 3
7 Power Clean & Jerk 70/50
15 Horizontal Row/Plank
6 Power Clean & Jerk
17 Horizontal Row/Plank
5 Power Clean & Jerk
20 Horizontal Row/Plank

Scoring-For time


1 comment:

  1. WOD@ 12:18 few no reps in at the start then few minutes rest and then

    25 abmat sit-ups 1M/U 20/2/15/3/10/4/5/5
    WOD@ 16:23
