Brownie got his first Muscle Up today. Here's a video of his 2nd One for your pleasure
StrengthFind 3rm Thruster KB
Then perform 5 reps/min for 5min with a plank hold for remainder of minute
20min AMRAP
Start with a 1km run
5 KB single arm thrusters
10 KB swings
5 KB single arm thrusters
10 dips
Note: Only run the 1km Once.
WOD-Teams of 3
1km row each athlete
5 KB single arm thrusters
10 KB swings
5 KB single arm thrusters
MAX dips
Scoring- Reps/Second(Row times of 3 athletes divided by reps of KB work & ring dips)
*Athlete A Starts with the row. Athlete B will perform 5 KB thrusters right,10 KB swings,5 KB thrusters left whilst Athlete C performs max reps of ring dips. When Athlete B completes 1 round of KB work he will move onto Max Ring Dips & Athlete C will start the KB work. When Athlete A finishes his row and records his time he will replace Athlete B and the team will continue on until all athletes have rowed 1km.
Good dig on the M/U browney!!! Chicks dig it...