Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Sumo Deadlift M/E, 5min Amrap 5 Sumo Deadlifts 120/80kg, 10 HSPU then 5min Amrap 10 T2Bar, 10 HR Pushups

Beginner 6am, 9:30am

(A) Sumo Deadlift-1 Rep at a time to the limits of your movement

(B) In teams of 2 Amrap in 5mins-5 Sumo Deadlifts 80/40kg, Max Strict Pushups

(C) In teams of 2 Amrap in 5mins-10 HR Pushups, Max T2Bar
Intermediate 6am, 9:30am

(A) Sumo Deadlift-1 Rep at a time to the limits of your movement

(B) In teams of 2 Amrap in 5mins-5 Sumo Deadlifts 100/60kg, Max HSPU

(C) In teams of 2 Amrap in 5mins-10 HR Pushups, Max T2Bar
Advanced 6am & 9:30am &

(A) Sumo Deadlift M/E

(B) Individually 5min Amrap-5 Sumo Deadlifts 120/80kg, 10 HSPU

(B) Individually 5min Amrap-10 T2Bar, 10 HR Pushups
Coaches Tips- (B) 2nd 5min Amrap starts immediately after the 1st

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