Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Strength - Deadlift 5@75% , 5@80%, 5+@85% of 1RM-10%

 Strength 101 by Glenn Mitchell-Head Coach CrossFit Penrith

Essentially, we’re working off a slightly modified version of Jim Wendler’s 5-3-1 program. For those who don’t know, Jim Wendler is a successful power lifter who developed the 5-3-1 method. Each lift is performed once per week on 4 separate days. For us this means Deadlift Monday, Cleans Tuesday, Squat/Press Thursday and Snatch Friday. We will alternate between 4 Strength days one week & 3 the next. Because Crossfit has us mastering many skills, we must not neglect practicing the others. There will still be Strength at medium to light loads popping up in our conditioning portion of sessions. The waves refer to the load and volume we perform. In wave one, also known as the “5″ week, we do 5 reps of a lift at 75% of a 1RM, 5 at 80% and then as many reps as possible at 85% of our old 1RM.

Moving on, wave two is the “3″ week, we lift 3 reps at 80%, 3 at 85% and max reps at 90% of our 1RM. Wave three is the “1″ week, 1 rep at 85%, 1 at 90% and max reps at 95% of our 1RM. The fourth wave is a “de load” week. Wendler goes with lighter weights as a sort of reset. We instead use this week as a chance to work on other lifts. This creates a natural de load by changing up the type of lifts without sacrificing a week at sub maximal loads. From here, we will go through another cycle of 5, 3 and 1 weeks and then on the 8th week or second time through all 4 waves we will retest our 1RMs. Please post any questions or constructive criticism to comments and remember,2012 is around the corner. Get strong while you can if you want to survive the apocalypse.


  1. strength

    deadlift 1rm@ 110kg

  2. strength

    dead lift

    75% - 5@76.5kg
    80% - 5@72kg
    85% - 15@77KG

  3. strength deadlift
    5@ 34 kg
    5@ 36 kg
    10@ 38 kg

  4. strength-
    1rm deadlift @ 115kg

  5. Strength -

  6. Deadlift
    1RM 100KG
