Thursday, September 11, 2014

Power Clean Cycling Reps, Individually for max reps-In 5mins 5 Power Clean@55%1RM, 5 M/U 1min Recovery, In 4mins 4 Power Clean@55%1RM, 4 M/U 1min Recovery, In 3mins 3 Power Clean@55%1RM, 3 M/U, 1-3RM Snatch


(A) Mobility  

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-Iron Cross Progression Part 1

(CWarm Up-In 5mins 3m Plank Walk, 1 Rope Climb 

(D) Power Clean-Work to the limits of your movement

(E) Individually for max reps-In 5mins 5 Power Clean@55%1RM, 5 Ring Dips 1min Recovery, In 4mins 4 Power Clean@55%1RM, 4 Ring Dips 1min Recovery, In 3mins 3 Power Clean@55%1RM, 3 Ring Dips

FROM THE COACH (A) Iron Cross Mobility (B) Iron Cross Progression Part 1 (C) Get tight & stay tight on both movements (D) Today we are going to focus on cycling reps and efficiency from the ground (E) Practicing Cycling unbroken reps. If you don't have a Muscle Up Perform Ring Dips instead   


(A) Mobility  

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-Iron Cross Progression Part 1

(CWarm Up-In 5mins 5m Plank Walk, 1 Rope Climb 

(D) Power Clean-Cycling Reps

(E) Individually for max reps-In 5mins 5 Power Clean@55%1RM, 3 M/U 1min Recovery, In 4mins 4 Power Clean@55%1RM, 2 M/U 1min Recovery, In 3mins 3 Power Clean@55%1RM, 1 M/U

FROM THE COACH (A) Iron Cross Mobility (B) Iron Cross Progression Part 1 (C) Get tight & stay tight on both movements (D) Today we are going to focus on cycling reps and efficiency from the ground (E) Practicing Cycling unbroken reps. If you don't have a Muscle Up Perform Ring Dips in beginner rep range 


(A) Mobility  

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-Iron Cross Progression Part 2

(CWarm Up-In 5mins 10m Handstand Walk, 1 L-Sit Rope Climb 

(D) Power Clean-Cycling Reps

(E) Individually for max reps-In 5mins 5 Power Clean@55%1RM, 5 M/U 1min Recovery, In 4mins 4 Power Clean@55%1RM, 4 M/U 1min Recovery, In 3mins 3 Power Clean@55%1RM, 3 M/U

(F) 1-3RM Snatch

FROM THE COACH (A) Iron Cross Mobility (B) Iron Cross Progression Part 2 (C) Get tight & stay tight on both movements (D) Today we are going to focus on cycling reps and efficiency from the ground (E) Practicing Cycling unbroken reps (F) Anyway  


(A) Mobility  

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-Iron Cross Progression Part 1

(CWarm Up-In 5mins 5m Plank Walk, 1 Rope Climb 

(F) 1-3RM Snatch

FROM THE COACH (A) Iron Cross Mobility (B) Iron Cross Progression Part 2  (C) Get tight & stay tight on both movements  (F) Anyway 

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