Wednesday, September 10, 2014

M/E Bench Press AW, 3 Best Sets Strict C2Bar, Strict Dips, "Jackie" 1000m Row, 50 Thrusters 20kg, 30 Pullups


(A) Mobility Test & Retest

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-3 x 15 Internal Rotation with Press 

(C) Bench Press-Work to the limits of your movement & Work on your pull-ups strength between sets

(E) Individually for time-"Jackie" 1000m Row, 50 Thrusters 15/10kg, 30 Pullups/Jumping Pullups

FROM THE COACH (A) Spend 2mins with hands behind back then re-test Internal Rotation, spend 2mins with the ball behind each shoulder and retest Internal Rotation (B) As heavy as possible whilst maintaing right angles (C) Press- Lest amount of sets, least amount of reps to 90%. Anyway (D) Go looking for PB's here (E) All out 

(A) Mobility

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-3 x 15 Internal Rotation with Press 

(C) M/E Bench Press Anyway & Work on your strict pull-up strength between sets

(E) Individually for time-"Jackie" 1000m Row, 50 Thrusters 20kg, 30 Pullups

FROM THE COACH (A) Spend 2mins with hands behind back then re-test Internal Rotation, spend 2mins with the ball behind each shoulder and retest Internal Rotation  (B) As heavy as possible whilst maintaing right angles (C) Press- Lest amount of sets, least amount of reps to 90%. Anyway (D)  (E) All out. If you can do this as R'xd do it.  

(A) Mobility

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-3 x 15 Internal Rotation with Press 

(C) M/E Bench Press Anyway

(D) Individually complete 3 Best Supersets Strict C2Bar & Strict Dips

(E) Individually for time-"Jackie" 1000m Row, 50 Thrusters 20kg, 30 Pullups

FROM THE COACH (A) Spend 2mins with hands behind back then re-test Internal Rotation, spend 2mins with the ball behind each shoulder and retest Internal Rotation  (B) As heavy as possible whilst maintaing right angles (C) Press- Lest amount of sets, least amount of reps to 90%. Anyway (D) Go looking for PB's here (E) All out


(A) Mobility

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-3 x 15 Internal Rotation with Press 

(C) M/E Bench Press Anyway & Work on your strict pull-up strength between sets

(E) Individually complete "Jackie" 1000m Row, 50 Thrusters 20kg, 30 Pullups

FROM THE COACH (A) Spend 2mins with hands behind back then re-test Internal Rotation, spend 2mins with the ball behind each shoulder and retest Internal Rotation  (B) As heavy as possible whilst maintaing right angles (C) Press- Lest amount of sets, least amount of reps to 90%. Anyway (D) Go looking for PB's here (E) This will finish off your session nicely

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