Monday, September 22, 2014

(D) Snatch-Work to the limits of your movement (E) Individually for max reps in 5mins 5 Double KB Thrusters@55%1RM, 5 Box Jumps 30/24" 1min Recovery then in 4mins 4 Double KB Thrusters@55%1RM, 4 Box Jumps 24/20" 1min Recovery then in 3mins 3 Double KB Thrusters@55%1RM, 3 Box Jumps 20/12" (F) 1-3RM Snatch (G) 2-7RM Olympic OHS


(A) Mobility 

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-3 Rounds KB Protraction 15 reps each arm

(C) Warm Up-3 Rounds 1 Turkish Get Up Right Arm, 5 KB Thruster Right Arm, 1 Turkish Get Up Left Arm, 5 KB Thrusters Left Arm 

(D) Barbell Thruster-Work to the limits of your movement

(E) Individually for max reps in 5mins 5 KB Thrusters@25%1RM, 5 Box Jumps 20/12" 1min Recovery then in 4mins 4 KB Thrusters@25%1RM, 4 Box Jumps 20/12  1min Recovery then in 3mins 3 KB Thrusters@55%1RM, 3 Box Jumps 20/12"

FROM THE COACH (A) Spend 2mins on each shoulder x 2 (B) Increase in load each round if you can maintain the integrity of the movement (C) increasing load each round (D) This is your time to get stronger (E) 5KB Thrusters each arm

(A) Mobility 

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-3 Rounds KB Protraction 15 reps each arm

(C) Warm Up-3 Rounds 1 Turkish Get Up Right Arm, 5 KB Thruster Right Arm, 1 Turkish Get Up Left Arm, 5 KB Thrusters Left Arm 

(D) M/E Barbell Thruster

(E) Individually for max reps in 5mins 5 KB Thrusters@25%1RM, 5 Box Jumps 24/20" 1min Recovery then in 4mins 4 KB Thrusters@25%1RM, 4 Box Jumps 24/20" 1min Recovery then in 3mins 3 KB Thrusters@55%1RM, 3 Box Jumps 24/20"

FROM THE COACH (A) Spend 2mins on each shoulder x 2 (B) Increase in load each round if you can maintain the integrity of the movement (C) increasing load each round (D) Least amount of sets least amount of reps to 90% then 3-4 lifts above, no more  (E) 5KB Thrusters each arm

(A) Mobility 

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-3 Rounds KB Protraction 15 reps each arm

(C) Warm Up-3 Rounds 1 Turkish Get Up Right Arm, 5 KB OHS Right Arm, 1 Turkish Get Up Left Arm, 5 KB OHS Left Arm 

(D) Snatch-Work to the limits of your movement

(E) Individually for max reps in 5mins 5 Double KB Thrusters@55%1RM, 5 Box Jumps 30/24" 1min Recovery then in 4mins 4 Double KB Thrusters@55%1RM, 4 Box Jumps 24/20" 1min Recovery then in 3mins 3 Double KB Thrusters@55%1RM, 3 Box Jumps 20/12"

(F) 1-3RM Snatch

(G) 2-7RM Olympic OHS
FROM THE COACH (A) Spend 2mins on each shoulder x 2 (B) Increase in load each round if you can maintain the integrity of the movement (C) increasing load each round (D) Focus on your limitations here & movement pattern for F (E)  (F) Anyway  (G) Anyway


(A) Mobility 

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-3 Rounds KB Protraction 15 reps each arm

(C) Warm Up-3 Rounds 1 Turkish Get Up Right Arm, 5 KB OHS Right Arm, 1 Turkish Get Up Left Arm, 5 KB OHS Left Arm 

(F) 1-3RM Snatch

(G) 2-7RM Olympic OHS

FROM THE COACH (A) Spend 2mins on each shoulder x 2 (B) Increase in load each round if you can maintain the integrity of the movement (C) increasing load each round  (F) Anyway  (G) Anyway

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