Tuesday, September 23, 2014

(D) Clean&orJerk-Work to the limits of your movement (E) Individually for max reps in 4mins 4 KB Snatch@25%1RM, 4 Lateral Burpees, 1min Recovery then in 3mins 3 KB Snatch@25%1RM, 3 KB Facing Burpees,1min Recovery then in 2mins 2 KB Snatch@25%1RM, 3 Burpees (F) 1-3RM Clean&orJerk


(A) Mobility  

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-3 x 15 KB Retractions

(CWarm Up-6 Rounds 4 KB Hang Snatches, 2 Burpees  

(D) M/E Power Snatch

(E) Individually for max reps in 4mins 4 KB Snatch@25%1RM, 4 Lateral Burpees, 1min Recovery then in 3mins 3 KB Snatch@25%1RM, 3 KB Facing Burpees,1min Recovery then in 2mins 2 KB Snatch@25%1RM, 3 Burpees

FROM THE COACH (A) Coach will give you a mobility piece to focus on (B) Increase in load each round if you can maintain the integrity of the movement  (C) Alternate arms each round for the snatch. Change the direction of the burpee each round (D) This is your time to get stronger (E) Alternating arms each rep. 4 reps each arm 

(A) Mobility  

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-3 x 15 KB Retractions

(CWarm Up-6 Rounds 4 KB Hang Snatches, 2 KB OHS, 1 Burpees  

(D) M/E Power Snatch

(E) Individually for max reps in 4mins 4 KB Snatch@25%1RM, 4 Lateral Burpees, 1min Recovery then in 3mins 3 KB Snatch@25%1RM, 3 KB Facing Burpees,1min Recovery then in 2mins 2 KB Snatch@25%1RM, 3 Burpees

FROM THE COACH (A) Coach will give you a mobility piece to focus on (B) Increase in load each round if you can maintain the integrity of the movement  (C) Alternate arms each round for the snatch & OHS Change the direction of the burpee each round (D) No Heavier than starting weight for E (E) Alternating arms each rep. 4 reps each arm (F) Anyway   

(A) Mobility  

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-3 x 15 KB Retractions

(CWarm Up-3 Rounds 8 KB Hang Cleans alternating, 4 KB Split Jerks alternating, 2 Burpees  

(D) Clean&orJerk-Work to the limits of your movement

(E) Individually for max reps in 4mins 4 KB Snatch@25%1RM, 4 Lateral Burpees, 1min Recovery then in 3mins 3 KB Snatch@25%1RM, 3 KB Facing Burpees,1min Recovery then in 2mins 2 KB Snatch@25%1RM, 3 Burpees

(F) 1-3RM Clean&orJerk
FROM THE COACH (A) Coach will give you a mobility piece to focus on (B) Increase in load each round if you can maintain the integrity of the movement  (C) Change the direction of the burpee each round (D) No Heavier than starting weight for E (E) Alternating arms each rep. 4 reps each arm (F) Anyway  


(A) Mobility  

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-3 x 15 KB Retractions

(CWarm Up-3 Rounds 8 KB Hang Cleans alternating, 4 KB Split Jerks alternating, 2 Burpees  

(D) 1-3RM Clean&orJerk

(E) 2-7RM Olympic Back Squat

FROM THE COACH (A) Coach will give you a mobility piece to focus on (B) Increase in load each round if you can maintain the integrity of the movement  (C) Change the direction of the burpee each round (D) Anyway (F) Anyway

1 comment:

  1. A) 158 reps @ 16kg.. initially thought about rounding down to the 12kg but actually did the 16kg
    B) 62.5kg
