Wednesday, September 24, 2014

(A) Mobility (B) Glute Activation-Box Squats (C) M/E Front Squat (D) 3 Sets 6-12reps AHAP Glute Ham Raises (E) Individually for time-5 Rounds 10 Snatch Grip Deadlifts@55%1rm, 15 Calories Assault Bike, 20 Calories Rower (F) Mobility

(A) Mobility

(BGlute Activation-Box Squats

(C) Front Squat-Work to the limits of your movement

(D) Individually for time-5 Rounds 10 Sumo Deadlifts@55%1rm, 10 Calories Rower or Calories Assault Bike, 10 Double Unders 

(E) Mobility

FROM THE COACH (A) Assess your squat, if you round your back in the bottom of the squat, spend 10mins mobilising your psoas & illiacus with a ball & kettle bell (B) Warm up your front squats with box squats in the front rack (C) Squat-This is your time to get stronger and or better at your movements (D) If you don't have a 1RM Sumo Deadlift then just work off your conventional (E) Spend as much time as possible rolling your quads, hammys & glutes

(A) Mobility

(BGlute Activation-Box Squats

(C) M/E Front Squat

(D) Individually for time-5 Rounds 10 Sumo Deadlifts@55%1rm, 15 Calories Rower or Assault Bike, 20 Double Unders

(E) Mobility

FROM THE COACH (A) Assess your squat, if you round your back in the bottom of the squat, spend 10mins mobilising your psoas & illiacus with a ball & kettle bell (B) Warm up your front squats with box squats in the front rack (C) Squat- Lest amount of sets, least amount of reps to 90%. Straight Bar, no fancy stuff today (D) This workout is designed to finish off your squat session & accessories, and of course make your hurt a little bit (E) Spend as much time as possible rolling your quads, hammys & glutes

(A) Mobility

(BGlute Activation-Box Squats

(C) M/E Front Squat

(D) 3 Sets 6-12reps AHAP Glute Ham Raises

(E) Individually for time-5 Rounds 10 Snatch Grip Deadlifts@55%1rm, 15 Calories Assault Bike, 20 Calories Rower

(F) Mobility

FROM THE COACH (A) Assess your squat, if you round your back in the bottom of the squat, spend 10mins mobilising your psoas & illiacus with a ball & kettle bell (B) Warm up your front squats with box squats in the front rack (C) Squat- Lest amount of sets, least amount of reps to 90%. Straight Bar, no fancy stuff today (D) Aim to go lighter on the band for the GHR (E) This workout is designed to finish off your squat session & accessories, and of course make your hurt a little bit (F) Spend as much time as possible rolling your quads, hammys & glutes


(A) Mobility 

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-3 Rounds KB Protraction 15 reps each arm

(C) Warm Up-3 Rounds 1 Turkish Get Up Right Arm, 5 KB Push Press Right Arm, 1 Turkish Get Up Left Arm, 5 KB Push Press Left Arm 

(F) 1-3RM Power Snatch

(G) 2-7RM Behind Neck Snatch Grip Push Press

FROM THE COACH (A) Spend 2mins on each shoulder x 2 (B) Increase in load each round if you can maintain the integrity of the movement (C) increasing load each round  (F) Anyway  (G) Anyway

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