Tuesday, August 12, 2014

C&J Limitations, CrossFit Opens 12.2, 1-3RM Clean&orJerk Anyway



(A) Mobility

(BWarm Up-3 Rounds 2 Turkish Getups, 4 Strict Pushups, 8 KB Swings

(C) Power Clean & Push Jerk Limitations

(D) Individually for max reps in 10mins-CrossFit Opens 12.2 30 Snatch 20/15kg, 30 Snatch 35/20kg, 30 Snatch 45/25kg, Max Snatch 55/40kg

FROM THE COACH (A) Improve your Shoulder Flexion & External Rotation, Thoracic Extension & wrist extension (B) Turkish Get ups Demo Click Here  (C) Unbalance the scales of good technique vs bad technique in your favour & practice good movement patterns (D) Can be full or power snatch, athletes must use 1 bar and change weights themselves  


(A) Mobility

(BWarm Up-3 Rounds 8 Planche Pushups, 6 OHS KB, 4 Turkish Getups

(C) Clean & Jerk Limitations

(D) Individually for max reps in 10mins-CrossFit Opens 12.2 30 Snatch 35/20kg, 30 Snatch 61/35kg, 30 Snatch 75/45kg, Max Snatch 95/55kg

FROM THE COACH (A) Improve your Shoulder Flexion & External Rotation, Thoracic Extension & wrist extension (B) Planche Pushups Demo Click Here  OHS 3 each side as heavy as your mobility allows, TGU 2 each side with same weight for OHS (C) Unbalance the scales of good technique vs bad technique in your favour & practice good movement patterns (D) Can be full or power snatch, athletes must use 1 bar and change weights themselves  

(A) Mobility

(BWarm Up-3 Rounds 8 Planche Pushups, 6 OHS KB, 4 Turkish Getups

(C) Clean & Jerk Limitations

(D) Individually for max reps in 10mins-CrossFit Opens 12.2 30 Snatch 35/20kg, 30 Snatch 61/35kg, 30 Snatch 75/45kg, Max Snatch 95/55kg

(E) 1-3RM Clean&orJerk Anyway

FROM THE COACH (A) Improve your Shoulder Flexion & External Rotation, Thoracic Extension & wrist extension (B) Planche Pushups Demo Click Here  OHS 3 each side as heavy as your mobility allows, TGU 2 each side with same weight for OHS (C) Unbalance the scales of good technique vs bad technique in your favour & practice good movement patterns for part E (D) Can be full or power snatch, athletes must use 1 bar and change weights themselves (E) Any variation of the clean, 1 Hang, 1 Full Etc for a 2RM. Be creative, if you start to bore me with the same lifts we will go back to structured 

(A) Mobility

(BWarm Up-3 Rounds 8 Planche Pushups, 6 OHS KB, 4 Turkish Getups

(C) 1-3RM Clean&orJerk Anyway

(D) Individually for max reps in 10mins-CrossFit Opens 12.2 30 Snatch 35/20kg, 30 Snatch 61/35kg, 30 Snatch 75/45kg, Max Snatch 95/55kg

FROM THE COACH (A) Improve your Shoulder Flexion & External Rotation, Thoracic Extension & wrist extension (B) Planche Pushups Demo Click Here  OHS 3 each side as heavy as your mobility allows, TGU 2 each side with same weight for OHS (C) Any variation of the clean, 1 Hang, 1 Full Etc for a 2RM. Be creative, if you start to bore me with the same lifts we will go back to structured  (D) Can be full or power snatch, athletes must use 1 bar and change weights themselves (E) 

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