Monday, August 11, 2014

Snatch Limitations, 21-18-15 C2Bar & Thrusters@45%1RM, 1-3RM Snatch AW, 2-7RM Olympic Snatch



(A) Mobility

(BWarm Up-2 Rounds 5 Air Squats, 10 Pass Throughs, 5 OHS

(C) Snatch Limitations 

(D) Individually for time-15-12-9 Pullups, Thrusters@45%1RM

FROM THE COACH (A) Improve your Hip Flexion & External Rotation, Thoracic Extension for the OHS & Snatch (B) Air Squats, aim for virtuosity (C) Unbalance the scales of good technique vs bad technique in your favour. More is better (D) Use Bands if Needed  


(A) Mobility

(BWarm Up-2 Rounds 10 Sotts Press Dowel, 10 Pass Throughs, 10 Snatch Balance Dowel

(C) Snatch Limitations 

(D) Individually for time-21-15-9 C2Bar Pullups, Thrusters@45%1RM

FROM THE COACH (A) Improve your Hip Flexion & External Rotation, Thoracic Extension for the OHS & Snatch (B) Sotts Press slow & Controlled, Pass Through tight as shoulder mobility allows, Snatch Balance, focus on finishing position of dowel (C) Unbalance the scales of good technique vs bad technique in your favour. More is better (D)  Aim for unbroken on the pull-ups, break the thrusters as needed


(A) Mobility

(BWarm Up-2 Rounds 10 Sotts Press Dowel, 10 Pass Throughs, 10 Snatch Balance Dowel

(C) Snatch Limitations

(D) Individually for time-21-18-15 C2Bar Pullups, Thrusters@45%1RM

(E) 1-3RM Snatch Anyway

(F) 2-7RM Olympic Front Squat, Mobility, Shoulder Strength & Stability Between Sets

FROM THE COACH (A) Improve your Hip Flexion & External Rotation, Thoracic Extension for the OHS & Snatch (B) Sotts Press slow & Controlled, Pass Through tight as shoulder mobility allows, Snatch Balance, focus on finishing position of dowel (C) Unbalance the scales of good technique vs bad technique in your favour. More is better (D) Aim for unbroken on the pull-ups, break the thrusters as needed (E) Any variation of the snatch, 1 Hang, 1 Full Etc for a 2RM. (F) Focus is strength development for the snatch & clean. Let's get deep, and build to a 2-7RM. We are going to use the time between sets to improve your mobility in the squat, and strengthen our shoulders with SSS.


(A) Mobility

(BWarm Up-2 Rounds 10 Sotts Press Dowel, 10 Pass Throughs, 10 Snatch Balance Dowel

(C) Snatch Limitations

(E) 1-3RM Snatch Anyway

(F) 2-7RM Olympic Front Squat, Mobility, Shoulder Strength & Stability Between Sets

FROM THE COACH (A) Improve your Hip Flexion & External Rotation, Thoracic Extension for the OHS & Snatch (B) Sotts Press slow & Controlled, Pass Through tight as shoulder mobility allows, Snatch Balance, focus on finishing position of dowel (C) Unbalance the scales of good technique vs bad technique in your favour. More is better  (E) Any variation of the snatch, 1 Hang, 1 Full Etc for a 2RM. (F) Focus is strength development for the snatch & clean. Let's get deep, and build to a 2-7RM. We are going to use the time between sets to improve your mobility in the squat, and strengthen our shoulders with SSS.

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