Wednesday, August 13, 2014

M/E Bench Press AW, 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Ring Dips, 2 Rope Climbs between sets 15/12ft, 100 Band Pushdowns & 100 Band Pull-Aparts


(A) Mobility

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-2 x 15 Internal & External Rotation with Bands 

(C) Bench Press-Work to the limits of your movement, between sets 5reps of pull-ups

(D) Individually complete-21-15-9 Strict Pushup/HR Pushups, 2 Rope Climbs between sets 15/12ft

FROM THE COACH (A) Spend 4mins laying face down working external rotation & flexion of the shoulder with dowel for bench & then 4mins face up working internal rotation & extension for the pushups (B) As heavy as possible whilst maintaing right angles (C) If you can do more then 5 reps on a band then drop down a band. Our aim is to get off the bands (D) Aim for unbroken on the pushups, use the rope climbs as your recovery


(A) Mobility

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-2 x 15 Internal & External Rotation with Bands 

(C) M/E Bench Press-Anyway

(D) Individually complete-21-15-9 Ring Dip, 3 Rope Climbs between sets 15/12ft

FROM THE COACH (A) Spend 4mins laying face down working external rotation & flexion of the shoulder with dowel for bench & then 4mins face up working internal rotation & extension for the ring dips hands behind back (B) As heavy as possible whilst maintaing right angles (C) Bench Press- Lest amount of sets, least amount of reps to 90%. Anyway can be banded, KB&Chains, close grip etc (D) Aim for unbroken on the dips, use the rope climbs as your recovery 

(A) Mobility

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-3 x 15 Internal & External Rotation with Bands 

(C) M/E Bench Press-Anyway

(D) Individually for time-21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Ring Dip, 2 Rope Climbs between sets 15/12ft

(E) Individually complete 100 band pushdowns & 100 band pull-aparts

FROM THE COACH (A) Spend 4mins laying face down working external rotation & flexion of the shoulder with dowel for bench & then 4mins face up working internal rotation & extension for the ring dips hands behind back (B) As heavy as possible whilst maintaing right angles (C) Bench Press- Lest amount of sets, least amount of reps to 90%. Anyway can be banded, KB&Chains, close grip etc (D) Aim for unbroken on the dips, use the rope climbs as your recovery (E) pick a band that you can do the 100 unbroken

(A) Mobility

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-3 x 15 Internal & External Rotation with Bands 

(C) M/E Bench Press-Anyway

(D) Individually complete-21-15-9-6-3 Ring Dip, 2 Rope Climbs between sets

(E) Individually complete 100 band pushdowns & 100 band pull-aparts

FROM THE COACH (A) Spend 4mins laying face down working external rotation & flexion of the shoulder with dowel for bench & then 4mins face up working internal rotation & extension for the ring dips hands behind back (B) As heavy as possible whilst maintaing right angles (C) Bench Press- Lest amount of sets, least amount of reps to 90%. Anyway can be banded, KB&Chains, close grip etc (D) Aim for unbroken on the dips, use the rope climbs as your recovery (E) pick a band that you can do the 100 unbroken

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