PostWOD Refueling Paleo Style. No Beers, Bread or BBQ Sauce.
Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
This workout begins from the standing position. The Athlete will move from flat on the ground to touching an object with both hands that is 6 inches above their max reach. Score is total reps completed.
At the bottom position, the Athlete's chest and hips must touch the ground. At the top of the movement, both hands must make contact with the target 6 inches above your max reach.
Follow Games link at side for full details.
86 Burpees, 2 lamb cutlets and a scotchy!
ReplyDeletePs left the sauce in the car upon futher thinking.... It will come out before comps end though browny! Have u ever seen anyine put bbq sauce on a salad?
ReplyDeleteNo way on salad, I'll bring you some hone made salad dressing.
Delete85 Burpees. Not happy about this but meh, still in my comfort zone.
ReplyDeleteThe BBQ was great, heaps of food, talk about where we got the meat, what was in the salad, spices etc.
Chewing on the "Rookies Nutty Balls" an sittin outside Subway eaten our tucker, hahaha.
Can't wait for next week, organic beer - mead
Bought some organic BBQ sauce today... See how it goes this week ay browney?