Ethan's Iron Scaps-Strong and Stable Shoulders at the Top of the Dumbbell Thruster
Monday-(Mobility) TBA by Coaches (PreWorkout) CrossOver Symmetry Activation or Plyo (A) Kipping HSPU Progressions or M/E Dumbell Turkish Get Up (B) For Time- Kipping HSPU, Barbell Squat Snatch@60% (C) Optional-CFSEndurance Sprint-1km Ski (PostWorkout Recovery) TBA by Coaches including Iron Scap
Valentines Day-(Mobility) TBA by Coaches (PreWorkout) TBA by Coaches (A) Movement Technique and Practice (B) In Teams of 2-20min Amrap Run 200m, 20 HR Push-ups, 20 TTRings (C) Optional Ring Inverts to Hollow, Ring Inverts to Arch(Superman) (PostWorkout Recovery) TBA by Coaches
Wednesday-(Mobility) TBA by Coaches (PreWorkout) CrossOver Symmetry Activation or Plyo (A) M/E Bench Row (B) For Time-21.15.9 Double D/B or K/B G2S2O@40%, Ring Rows (C) Optional 400m Farmers Carry@Same Weight used in B (PostWorkout Recovery) TBA by Coaches including Iron Scap
Thursday-(Mobility) TBA by Coaches (PreWorkout) TBA by Coaches (A) Bar Muscle Up Progressions or Strict Bar Muscle Up Practice (B) CFSEndurance Long Intervals 2x5min Amraps 3min Recovery between. 5 Deadlifts@120/80kg, 5 Bar Muscle Ups (PostWorkout Recovery) TBA by Coaches
Friday-(Mobility) TBA by Coaches (PreWorkout) CrossOver Symmetry Activation or Plyo (A) CrossFit Opens Workout Hypothetical- Calorie Row, Double Dumbell Thruster@2x22.5/15kg (PostWorkout Recovery) TBA by Coaches
Saturday 7am-CFSEndurance Short Intervals FGB Style. 3 Rounds for max reps-1min Bike, 1min Wallball, 1min Double Under, 1min Burpee, 1min Box Jump,1min Recovery
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