Thursday, February 6, 2014

Teams of 2-50,40,30,20,10 Unbroken Wallballs, Double Unders, In 2mins max One Legged Squats, Practice something you enjoy

Beginner 6am, 9:30am

(A)  Individually for time-"Karen" 150 Wallballs 9/6kg 10/9ft

(B)  Individually in 2 mins from A AMRAP-Double Unders

©  In the time remaining, Open Box
Intermediate 6am, 9:30am

(A)  Individually for time-"Karen" 150 Wallballs 9/6kg 10/9ft

(B)  Individually in 2 mins from A AMRAP-Double Unders

©  In the time remaining, Open Box
Advanced 6am & 9:30am &

(A)  In teams of 2-50,40,30,20,10  Unbroken Wallballs 9/6kg 10/9ft & Double Unders

(B)  Individually in 2 mins from A AMRAP-One Legged Squats

©  In the time remaining, Open Box
Coaches Tips- (A) Athlete A completes 50 Unbroken Wallballs then Athlete B. Athlete A completes 50 Unbroken Double Unders then Athlete B. This pattern continues throughout. If an athlete is unable to complete the reps unbroken they will get 1 more chance at it. If an athlete is unable to complete it the 2nd time both athletes will move onto the next rep range. This workout is scored out of 20. 10 sets of Wallballs & 10 Sets of double unders unbroken

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