Monday, September 8, 2014

M/E Squat Normal Stance, 3 Sets GHR & Bulgarian Split Squats, For Max Reps 2min Assault Bike, 3mins KB Swings 24/16kg, 4mins T2Bar

(A) Mobility

(BGlute Activation-X-Band Walks

(C) Squat Normal Stance-Work to the limits of your movement & Practice T2Bar Between Sets

(E) Individually for Max Reps-2min Assault Bike, 3mins KB Swings 16/8kg, 4mins Ab-mat Sit-ups

(F) Mobility

FROM THE COACH (A) Assess your squat, if you round your back in the bottom of the squat, spend 10mins mobilising your psoas & illiacus with a ball & kettle bell  (B) Go till your ass is on fire  (C) Squat- Lest amount of sets, least amount of reps to 90%. Straight Bar, no fancy stuff today (D) (E) This workout is designed to finish off your squat session & accessories (F) Spend as much time as possible rolling your quads, hammys & glutes


(A) Mobility

(BGlute Activation-X-Band Walks

(C) M/E Squat Normal Stance

(E) Individually for Max Reps-2min Assault Bike, 3mins KB Swings 24/16kg, 4mins T2Bar

(F) Mobility

FROM THE COACH (A) Assess your squat, if you round your back in the bottom of the squat, spend 10mins mobilising your psoas & illiacus with a ball & kettle bell  (B) Go till your ass is on fire  (C) Squat- Lest amount of sets, least amount of reps to 90%. Straight Bar, no fancy stuff today (D)  (E) This workout is designed to finish off your squat session & accessories (F) Spend as much time as possible rolling your quads, hammys & glutes

(A) Mobility

(BGlute Activation-X-Band Walks

(C) M/E Squat Normal Stance

(D) 3 Sets 6-12reps AHAP GHR & Bulgarian Split Squats

(E) Individually for Max Reps-2min Assault Bike, 3mins KB Swings 24/16kg, 4mins T2Bar

(F) Mobility
FROM THE COACH (A) Assess your squat, if you round your back in the bottom of the squat, spend 10mins mobilising your psoas & illiacus with a ball & kettle bell  (B) Go till your ass is on fire (C) Squat- Lest amount of sets, least amount of reps to 90%. Straight Bar, no fancy stuff today (D) Aim to go lighter on the band for the GHR & Heavier on the Bulgarian Split Squats (E) This workout is designed to finish off your squat session & accessories (F) Spend as much time as possible rolling your quads, hammys & glutes


(A) Mobility

(BGlute Activation-X-Band Walks

(C) M/E Squat Normal Stance

(D) 3 Sets 6-12reps AHAP GHR & Bulgarian Split Squats

(E) Individually for Max Reps-2min Assault Bike, 3mins KB Swings 24/16kg, 4mins T2Bar

(F) Mobility

FROM THE COACH (A) Assess your squat, if you round your back in the bottom of the squat, spend 10mins mobilising your psoas & illiacus with a ball & kettle bell  (B) Go till your ass is on fire  (C) Squat- Lest amount of sets, least amount of reps to 90%. Straight Bar, no fancy stuff today (D) Aim to go lighter on the band for the GHR & Heavier on the Bulgarian Split Squats (E) This workout is designed to finish off your squat session & accessories (F) Spend as much time as possible rolling your quads, hammys & glutes

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