Thursday, September 18, 2014

M/E OHS, In teams of 3 for Max Reps in 5mins-Athlete A runs 200m, Athlete B Max OHS 35/25kg, Athlete C Rests


(A) Mobility

(BGlute Activation & Warm Up-Overhead Stationary Lunge 6-12reps each leg

(C) OHS-Work to the limits of your movement 

(D) In teams of 3 for Max Reps in 10mins-Athlete A rows 200m, Athlete B Max OHS 25/15kg, Athlete C Rests

(E) Mobility

FROM THE COACH (A) Spend 10mins preparing yourself for OHS from the mobility you know  (B) 3 Sets (C) Aim to get a little bit stronger here then previous (D) In your team of 3 come up with the best strategy you can to maximise your reps. You change when the athlete rowing finishes 200m  (E) Spend time rolling out at the end of your sessions or attack 1 weakness you have in mobility and destroy it


(A) Mobility

(BGlute Activation & Warm Up-Overhead Stationary Lunge with Barbell 6-12reps each leg


(D) In teams of 3 for Max Reps in 10mins-Athlete A rows 200m, Athlete B Max OHS 30/20kg, Athlete C Rests

(E) Mobility

FROM THE COACH (A) Spend 10mins preparing yourself for OHS from the mobility you know  (B) Increase the load until your can't do 6 each leg (C) Squat- Lest amount of sets, least amount of reps to 90%. Straight Bar, no fancy stuff today (D) In your team of 3 come up with the best strategy you can to maximise your reps. You change when the athlete rowing finishes 200m (E) Spend time rolling out at the end of your sessions or attack 1 weakness you have in mobility and destroy it


(A) Mobility

(BGlute Activation & Warm Up-Overhead Stationary Lunge with Barbell 6-12reps each leg


(D) In teams of 3 for Max Reps in 5mins-Athlete A runs 200m, Athlete B Max OHS 35/25kg, Athlete C Rests

(E) Mobility

FROM THE COACH (A) Spend 10mins preparing yourself for OHS from the mobility you know  (B) Increase the load until your can't do 6 each leg (C) Squat- Lest amount of sets, least amount of reps to 90%. Straight Bar, no fancy stuff today (D) In your team of 3 come up with the best strategy you can to maximise your reps. You change when the athlete rowing finishes 200m  (E) Spend time rolling out at the end of your sessions or attack 1 weakness you have in mobility and destroy it


Catch a missed session

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