Friday, September 19, 2014

M/E Axle Bar Deadlift, 5 Rounds 2 Atlas Stone Ground to Shoulder Alternating 66/43kg, 4 Viper Press with Axle or Log 50/35kg, 6 Russian KB Swings 40/28kg, 50 Banded KB Swings


(A) Mobility

(BGlute Activation & Warm Up-In teams of 2 3 Rounds 10 Stiff Legged Deadlift, 10 Good Mornings, 10 Stiff Legged Sumo Deadlifts

(C) Axle Bar Deadlift-Work to the limits of your movement

(D) Individually for time-5 Rounds 2 Atlas Stone Ground to Shoulder Alternating 43/30kg, 4 Hang Power Clean & Press with Axle or Bar with Fat Grips 30/20kg, 6 Russian KB Swings 24/16kg     

FROM THE COACH (A) Spend 10mins preparing for the deadlift from the mobility we have shown you. Focus on hamstring mobility. This is the end of the unofficial what have you learnt so far test week (B) Use an un-loaded barbell. And only go as deep as your hamstring mobility allows. Partner does 1 round then swaps (C) Go straight bar for this (D)  


(A) Mobility

(BGlute Activation & Warm Up-In teams of 2 3 Rounds 10 Stiff Legged Deadlift, 10 Good Mornings, 10 Stiff Legged Sumo Deadlifts

(C) M/E Axle Bar Deadlift-Anyway

(D) Individually for time-5 Rounds 2 Atlas Stone Ground to Shoulder Alternating 66/43kg, 4 Viper Press with Axle or Log 40/30kg, 6 Russian KB Swings 32/20kg    

FROM THE COACH (A) Spend 10mins preparing for the deadlift from the mobility we have shown you. Focus on hamstring mobility. This is the end of the unofficial what have you learnt so far test week (B) Use an un-loaded barbell. And only go as deep as your hamstring mobility allows. Partner does 1 round then swaps (C) Go straight bar for this (D) Demo of the Viper Press 


(A) Mobility

(BGlute Activation & Warm Up-In teams of 2 3 Rounds 10 Stiff Legged Deadlift, 10 Good Mornings, 10 Stiff Legged Sumo Deadlifts

(C) M/E Axle Bar Deadlift-Anyway

(D) Individually for time-5 Rounds 2 Atlas Stone Ground to Shoulder Alternating 66/43kg, 4 Viper Press with Axle or Log 50/35kg, 6 Russian KB Swings 40/28kg 

(E) Individually complete-50 Banded KB Swings    

FROM THE COACH (A) Spend 10mins preparing for the deadlift from the mobility we have shown you. Focus on hamstring mobility. This is the end of the unofficial what have you learnt so far test week (B) Use an un-loaded barbell. And only go as deep as your hamstring mobility allows. Partner does 1 round then swaps (C) Go straight bar for this (D) Demo of the Viper Press (E) Banded KB Swing Demo 


(A) Mobility

(BGlute Activation & Warm Up-In teams of 2 3 Rounds 10 Stiff Legged Deadlift, 10 Good Mornings, 10 Stiff Legged Sumo Deadlifts

(C) M/E Axle Bar Deadlift-Anyway

(D) Individually for time-5 Rounds 2 Atlas Stone Ground to Shoulder Alternating 66/43kg, 4 Viper Press with Axle or Log 50/35kg, 6 Russian KB Swings 40/28kg 

(E) Individually complete-50 Banded KB Swings    

FROM THE COACH (A) Spend 10mins preparing for the deadlift from the mobility we have shown you. Focus on hamstring mobility. This is the end of the unofficial what have you learnt so far test week (B) Use an un-loaded barbell. And only go as deep as your hamstring mobility allows. Partner does 1 round then swaps (C) Go straight bar for this (D) Demo of the Viper Press (E) Banded KB Swing Demo 

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