Monday, August 25, 2014

Snatch Limitations, Opens Workout 11.3, 1-3RM Snatch AW, 2-7RM Front Squat AW & Mobility Between Sets


(A) Mobility

(BWarm Up-3 Rounds each arm 1 KB Turkish Get Up into 5 KB Goblet Squats increasing

(C) Front Squat-Work to the limits of your movement

(D) Individually for max reps in 5mins-Opens Workout 11.3 Modified Clean & Jerk 50/30kg

FROM THE COACH (A) From the mobility you have learned, mobilise for your front squat (B) Only go as heavy as your turkish get up allows (C) If your limitations are mobility than mobilise between sets of squats (D) Can be a squat clean thruster each rep f  

(A) Mobility

(BWarm Up-3 Rounds each arm 1 KB Turkish Get Up into 5 Double KB Front Squat increasing

(C) M/E Front Squat

(D) Individually for max reps in 5mins-Opens Workout 11.3 Modified Clean & Jerk 61/43kg

FROM THE COACH (A) From the mobility you have learned, mobilise for your front squat (B) Only go as heavy as your turkish get up allows (C) Squats- Lest amount of sets, least amount of reps to 90% then no more then 3 lifts above 90%  (D) Can be a squat clean thruster each rep 

(A) Mobility

(BWarm Up-3 Rounds each arm 1 KB Turkish Get Up into 5 KB OHS increasing

(C) Snatch Limitations

(D) Individually for max reps in 5mins-Opens Workout 11.3 Clean & Jerk 75/50kg

(E) 1-3RM Snatch Anyway

(F) 2-7RM Olympic Front Squat Anyway & Mobility Between Sets

FROM THE COACH (A) From the mobility you have learned, mobilise for your front squat (B) Only go as heavy as mobility allows (C) Unbalance the scales of good technique vs bad technique in your favour. More reps here is better (D) Can be a squat clean thruster (E) Any variation of the snatch, 1 Hang, 1 Full Etc for a 2RM. (F) Focus is strength development for the snatch & clean. Let's get deep, and build to a 2-7RM.  We are going to use the time between sets to improve your mobility in the squat

(A) Mobility

(BWarm Up-3 Rounds each arm 1 KB Turkish Get Up into 5 Double KB Front Squat increasing

(C) M/E Front Squat

(D) Individually for max reps in 5mins-Opens Workout 11.3 Modified Clean & Jerk 75/50kg

FROM THE COACH (A) From the mobility you have learned, mobilise for your front squat (B) Only go as heavy as your turkish get up allows (C) Squats- Lest amount of sets, least amount of reps to 90% then no more then 3 lifts above 90%  (D) Can be a squat clean thruster each rep 

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