Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Iron Cross Progression Part 1, 5min Hollow Hold, 3 Best Kipping HSPU 4" Deficit, 1RM Vertical Jump, Burpees, Ring Muscle Ups & T2Rings


(A) Mobility- Spend 5mins on Iron Cross Progression Part 1 Mobility Part External & Internal Rotation of Shoulders

(B) Warm Up-In 3mins Hollow Hold every break perform 1 Burpee

(C) HSPU Progressions 

(D) Individually for time-30 Burpees Touch @ Fingertip
, 20 Abmat Situps, 10 Pullups, 20 Burpee Touch, 10 Abmat Situps, 5 Pullups
FROM THE COACH (A) Iron Cross Progression Part 1 Here for Demo (B) Hollow Body Part 1 Here for Demo (C) (D) For the Pullups, use a band that you can do no more then 5 reps with


(A) Mobility & Shoulder Strength & Stability- Spend 5mins on Iron Cross Progression Part 1 Mobility Part External & Internal Rotation of Shoulders

(B) Warm Up-In 4mins Hollow Hold every break perform 2 Burpees

(C) 3 Best Sets Kipping HSPU

(D) Individually for time-40 Burpees Touch
, 1 Ring Muscle Ups, 30 T2Rings 10/9ft 2 Ring Muscle Ups, 20 Burpees Touch, 3 Ring Muscle Ups, 10 T2Rings, 4 Ring Muscle Ups

FROM THE COACH (A) Iron Cross Progression Part 1 Here for Demo (B) Hollow Body Part 1 Here for Demo (C) If proficient use a deficit of 2" is 1 x Rogue 20kg plates (D) Rings for muscle ups & Burpee Touch is set @ finger tip reach


(A) Mobility & Shoulder Strength & Stability- Spend 10mins on Iron Cross Progression Part 1

(B) Warm Up-In 5mins Hollow Hold every break perform 2 Burpees

(C) 3 Best Sets Kipping Deficit HSPU 4", 1RM Vertical Jump

(D) Individually for time-50 Burpees Touch 6" to Rings
, 1 Ring Muscle Ups, 40 T2Rings 10/9ft 2 Ring Muscle Ups, 30 Burpees Touch 6" to Rings, 3 Ring Muscle Ups, 20 T2Rings, 4 Ring Muscle Ups, 10 Burpee Touch 6" to Rings, 5 Ring Muscle Ups

FROM THE COACH (A) Iron Cross Progression Part 1 Here for Demo (B) Hollow Body Part 1 Here for Demo (C) 4" is 2 x Rogue 20kg plates on top of each other (D) Rings for muscle ups is set @ 6" above finger tip reach


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