Monday, August 18, 2014

M/E Deadlift Anyway, 3 sets 6-12reps Bulgarian Split Squats, Glute Ham Raises, Bring Sally Up

(A) Mobility-Hip Flexors, Abductors & Adductors

(BGlute Activation-5mins 5 Reverse Lunge Alternating , 10 Box Squats

(C) Conventional Deadlift-Work to the limits of your movement

(D) Individually complete-Bring Sally Up Air Squat

(E) Individually for max weight complete-Bring Sally Up

FROM THE COACH (A) Spend 2.5mins on each leg in the couch stretch & reverse ballerina (B) Use this time to familiarise yourself with the reverse lunge and box squat (C) Our aim is to go heavier each session whilst maintaining the correct movement pattern (D) Complete a round of Air Squats before doing it weighted in part E (E) Bring Sally Up Demo 


(A) Mobility-Hip Flexors, Abductors & Adductors

(BGlute Activation-5mins 5 each leg Bulgarian Split Squats , 5 each leg One legged box Squats

(C) M/E Deadlift-Your weakest way

(D) Individually complete-Bring Sally Up Air Squat

(E) Individually for max weight complete-Bring Sally Up

FROM THE COACH (A) Spend 2.5mins on each leg in the couch stretch & reverse ballerina (B) Use this time to familiarise yourself with the bulgarian split squat (C) Your weakest way (D) Complete a round of Air Squats before doing it weighted in part E (E) Bring Sally Up Demo 


(A) Mobility-Hip Flexors, Abductors & Adductors

(BGlute Activation-5mins 5 each leg Bulgarian Split Squats , 5 each leg One Legged box Squats

(C) M/E Deadlift-Anyway

(D) 3 Sets 6-12reps Bulgarian Split Squats KB, Glute Ham Raises

(E) Individually for max complete-Bring Sally Up 61/43kg

FROM THE COACH (A) Spend 2.5mins on each leg in the couch stretch & reverse ballerina (B) Use this time to familiarise yourself with the bulgarian split squat (C) Go Deficit, bands, chains etc (D) AHAP for the Bulgarian's (E) Bring Sally Up Demo 


(A) Mobility-Hip Flexors, Abductors & Adductors

(BGlute Activation-5mins 5 each leg Bulgarian Split Squats , 5 each leg One legged box Squats

(C) M/E Deadlift-Anyway

(D) Individually complete-Bring Sally Up Air Squat

(E) Individually for max weight complete-Bring Sally Up

FROM THE COACH (A) Spend 2.5mins on each leg in the couch stretch & reverse ballerina (B) Use this time to familiarise yourself with the bulgarian split squat (C) Go Deficit, bands, chains etc (D) Complete a round of Air Squats before doing it weighted in part E (E) Bring Sally Up Demo 

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