Friday, August 8, 2014

M/E Bench Anyway, 3 Best Sets Alternating Single Arm KB/DB Bench, One Arm Row, 20min Row, Pushups & Pullups Workout

(A) Mobility-Improve your external rotation for the bench

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-3 x 15 Face Pulls AHAP

(C) Bench Press-Work to the limits of your movement 

(D) In teams of 3 for max metres & Reps-15mins of Row 200m Fast, HR Pushups/Jumping Pullups
FROM THE COACH (A) The more external rotation you can apply to the bench, the bigger the numbers (B) As heavy as possible whilst maintaing right angles (C) Focus on good shoulder positions, and finishing the bar with a straight travel path (D)  Athlete A Rows 200m AFAP whilst Athlete B performs HR Pushups & Athlete C performs Pullups. Once the 200m is reached, athletes rotate through the movements until 15mins is complete


(A) Mobility-Improve your external rotation for the bench

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-3 x 15 Face Pulls AHAP

(C) M/E Bench Press-Anyway

(D) In teams of 3 for max metres & Reps-15mins of Row 200m Fast, HR Pushups/Pullups

FROM THE COACH (A) The more external rotation you can apply to the bench, the bigger the numbers (B) As heavy as possible whilst maintaing right angles (C) Bench Press- Lest amount of sets, least amount of reps to 90%. Anyway can be banded, KB&Chains, close grip etc (D) Athlete A Rows 200m AFAP whilst Athlete B performs HR Pushups & Athlete C performs Pullups. Once the 200m is reached, athletes rotate through the movements until 15mins is complete

(A) Mobility-Improve your external rotation for the bench

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-3 x 15 Face Pulls AHAP

(C) M/E Bench Press-Anyway

(D) 3 Best Sets Alternating Incline Single Arm KB/DB Bench, One Arm Row

(E) In teams of 2 for max metres & Reps-20mins of Row 200m Fast, HR Pushups/Pullups
FROM THE COACH (A) The more external rotation you can apply to the bench, the bigger the numbers (B) As heavy as possible whilst maintaing right angles (C) Bench Press- Lest amount of sets, least amount of reps to 90%. Anyway can be banded, KB&Chains, close grip etc (D) More then 6 reps, less then 12 reps to failure (E) Athlete A Rows 200m AFAP whilst Athlete B performs HR Pushups. Ahtlete A & B Swap. On the second rotation Athlete B Performs C2Bar pull-ups. This pattern continues until 20mins is reached.


(A) Mobility-Improve your external rotation for the bench

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-3 x 15 Face Pulls AHAP

(C) M/E Bench Press-Anyway

(D) 3 Best Sets Alternating Incline Single Arm KB/DB Bench, One Arm Row

FROM THE COACH (A) The more external rotation you can apply to the bench, the bigger the numbers (B) As heavy as possible whilst maintaing right angles (C) Bench Press- Lest amount of sets, least amount of reps to 90%. Anyway can be banded, KB&Chains, close grip etc (D) More then 6 reps, less then 12 reps to failure 

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