Thursday, August 7, 2014

C&J Limitations, Double Grace, 1-3RM C&J Anyway, 2-7RM Back Squat



(A) Mobility

(BWarm Up, Shoulder Strength & Stability & Glute Activation-3 Rounds 5 Jumping Squats 15/10kg Bar, 10 Good Mornings, 15 Shrugs with Bar Overhead 20 Push Press 

(C) Power Clean & Push Jerk Limitations

(D) Individually for time-"G2S2O Grace" 30 G2S2O as heavy as your technique allows. Max 61/43kg

FROM THE COACH (A) Improve your Hip Extension & Flexion, Thoracic Extension for the jerk (B) Squeeze the butt for the jumping squats, snap the hips through on the good mornings and squeeze the butt, hold the shrug overhead for 5secs, push press (C) (D) Being a benchmark workout, if it takes you 15mins to complete i am fine with that so go as close to R'xd as your technique allows.


(A) Mobility

(BWarm Up, Shoulder Strength & Stability & Glute Activation-3 Rounds 5 Jumping Squats 20/15kg Bar, 10 Good Mornings, 15 Shrugs with Bar Overhead 20 Push Press 

(C) Power Clean & Push Jerk Limitations

(D) Individually for time-"G2S2O Grace" 30 G2S2O as heavy as your technique allows. Max 61/43kg
FROM THE COACH (A) Improve your Hip Extension & Flexion, Thoracic Extension for the jerk (B) Squeeze the butt for the jumping squats, snap the hips through on the good mornings and squeeze the butt, hold the shrug overhead for 5secs, push press (C) Unbalance the scales of good technique vs bad technique in your favour. More is better (D) Being a benchmark workout, if it takes you 15mins to complete i am fine with that so go as close to R'xd as your technique allows.


(A) Mobility

(BWarm Up, Shoulder Strength & Stability & Glute Activation-3 Rounds 5 Jumping Squats 20/15kg Bar, 10 Good Mornings, 15 Shrugs with Bar Overhead 20 Push Press 

(C) Clean & Jerk Limitations

(D) Individually for time-"Double G2S2O Grace" 60 G2S2O 61/43kg

(E) 1-3RM Clean & Jerk Anyway

(F) 2-7RM Back Squat

FROM THE COACH (A) Improve your Hip Extension & Flexion, Thoracic Extension for the jerk (B) Squeeze the butt for the jumping squats, snap the hips through on the good mornings and squeeze the butt, hold the shrug overhead for 5secs, push press (C) Unbalance the scales of good technique vs bad technique in your favour. More is better (D) Get after it (E) Any variation of the clean, and or any variation of the jerk (F) Focus is strength development for the snatch & clean. Let's get deep, and build to a 2-7RM.


(A) Mobility

(BWarm Up, Shoulder Strength & Stability & Glute Activation-3 Rounds 5 Jumping Squats 20/15kg Bar, 10 Good Mornings, 15 Shrugs with Bar Overhead 20 Push Press 

(C) 1-3RM Clean & Jerk Anyway

(D) Individually for time-"Double G2S2O Grace" 60 G2S2O 61/43kg

FROM THE COACH (A) Improve your Hip Extension & Flexion, Thoracic Extension for the jerk (B) Squeeze the butt for the jumping squats, snap the hips through on the good mornings and squeeze the butt, hold the shrug overhead for 5secs, push press (C)Any variation of the clean, and or any variation of the jerk (D) Being a benchmark workout, if it takes you 15mins to complete i am fine with that so go as close to R'xd as your technique allows.

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