Friday, August 15, 2014

3 Best Sets Kipping Deficit HSPU 2" & Weighted Muscle Ups, AusFL Event 1 "The Standard" Modified


(A) Mobility-In 5mins Hold Scaled Bridge Position 

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-3 x 30sec Plank 

(C) Warm Up-In 5mins 1 Wall Walk , 2 Forward Rolls, 10 KTE on Rings

(D) Squat Clean Thruster-Technique & Warm Up Weight for Part E

(E) Individually for time-Modified AusFL Event 1-"The Standard" 400m Run, 40KB Swings 20/12kg, 30 Squat Clean Thrusters 25/15kg, 20 Jumping Pullups, 10 Burpee Box Jumps 20/12", 70m Walking Lunge

FROM THE COACH (A) Here for Demo Hold for as long as you can hold a good shoulder position then recover and go again within 5mins (B) (C) If a forward roll is not comfortable perform a side roll (D) (E) Breath Fire on this one


(A) Mobility-In 5mins Hold Bridge Position 

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-3 x 30sec Partner Plank with Shoulder Taps

(C) Warm Up-In 5mins 2 CliffHangers, 5 Forward Rolls, 30sec Handstand Hold

(D) 3 Best Sets Kipping HSPU, Kipping Kipping Muscle Up

(E) Individually for time-Modified AusFL Event 1-"The Standard" 400m Run, 40KB Swings 24/16kg, 30 Squat Clean Thrusters 35/25kg, 20 Pullups, 10 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20", 70m Overhead Walking Lunge 20/10kg

FROM THE COACH (A) Here for Demo Hold for as long as you can hold a good shoulder position then recover and go again within 5mins (B) (D) If you don't have a muscle up, work on your limitation e.g C2Bar or Dip (E) Breath Fire on this one

(A) Mobility-In 5mins Hold Bridge Position 

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-3 x 30sec Handstand Hold with Shoulder Taps

(C) Warm Up-In 5mins 2 CliffHangers, 5 Forward Rolls, 10m Handstand Walk

(D) 3 Best Sets Kipping Deficit HSPU 2", Kipping Weighted Muscle Up

(E) Individually for time-Modified AusFL Event 1-"The Standard" 400m Run, 40KB Swings 24/16kg, 30 Squat Clean Thrusters 35/25kg, 20 Pullups, 10 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20", 70m Overhead Walking Lunge 20/10kg
FROM THE COACH (A) Here for Demo Hold for as long as you can hold a good shoulder position then recover and go again within 5mins (B) Here or Demo (D) Use same weight used last week for Muscle ups. (E) Breath Fire on this one


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