Monday, July 21, 2014

M/E Strict Press, M/E Push Press, 3 Best Sets Alternating Close Grip Bench, Close Grip Row, "The Rower Intervals"


(A) Shoulder Strength & Stability & Glute Activation

(B) Warm Up-TBA

(C) Strict Press-Work to the limitations of your movement

(D) 3 Best Sets Strict Pushup & Pullups

(E) Individually for max reps-3 Rounds-1min Row 250/210m, 1min HR Pushup, 1min Ring Rows,1min Recovery. 


(A) Shoulder Strength & Stability & Glute Activation

(B) Warm Up-TBA

(C) Push Press-Work to the limitations of your movement

(D) 3 Best Sets Strict Pushup & Pullups

(E) Individually for max reps-3 Rounds-1min Row 250/210m, 1min HR Pushup, 1min Ring Rows,1min Recovery. 


(A) Shoulder Strength & Stability & Glute Activation

(B) Warm Up-TBA

(C) M/E Push Press

(D) 3 Best Sets Strict Dip & Strict C2Bar

(E) Individuallly for max reps-3 Rounds 1min Row 275/225m, 1min Kipping Dip, 1min Kipping C2Bar, 1min Recovery


(A) Shoulder Strength & Stability & Glute Activation

(B) Warm Up-TBA

(C) M/E Strict Press -Anyway

(D) M/E Push Press-Anyway

(E) 3 Best Sets Alternating Close Grip Bench, Close Grip Row

(F) "The Row Intervals"


(A) Shoulder Strength & Stability & Glute Activation

(B) Warm Up-TBA 

(C) M/E Push Press

(D) 3 Best Sets Kipping Dip & Kipping C2Bar

(E) Individuallly for max reps-3 Rounds 1min Row, 1min Strict Pushups, 1min Kipping Pullups, 1min Recovery


(A) Shoulder Strength & Stability & Glute Activation

(B) Warm Up-TBA

(C) M/E Strict Press -Anyway

(D) M/E Push Press-Anyway

(E) 3 Best Sets Alternating Close Grip Bench, Close Grip Row

(F1) "The Row Intervals"


(A) Shoulder Strength & Stability & Glute Activation

(B) Warm Up-TBA

(C) M/E Strict Press -Anyway

(D) M/E Push Press-Anyway

(E) 3 Best Sets Alternating Close Grip Bench, Close Grip Row

(F2) 100 Band Pushdowns

FROM THE COACH (A)  (B)  (C&D) Strict Press & Push Press- Lest amount of sets, least amount of reps to 90%. Anyway can be banded, behind neck, in front, snatch grip etc (E) More then 6 reps, less then 12 reps to failure (F1) How Many? You choose  (F2) Don't let go of the band until 100 reps is done

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