Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Clean&Jerk Limitations, M/E Back Squat with Bands, 3 Rounds 12 Sumo Deadlifts, 9 Front Squats@60%1RM, 6 Hang Power Cleans

(A) Shoulder Strength & Stability & Glute Activation

(B) Warm Up-TBA

(C) Back Squat-Work to the limits of your movement 

(D) Individually for time-3 Rounds 12 Sumo Deadlifts, 9 Front Squats@60%1RM, 6 Hang Power Cleans


(A) Shoulder Strength & Stability & Glute Activation

(B) Warm Up-TBA

(C) Back Squat-Work to the limits of your movement 

(D) Individually for time-3 Rounds 12 Sumo Deadlifts, 9 Front Squats@60%1RM, 6 Hang Power Cleans

(A) Shoulder Strength & Stability & Glute Activation

(B) Warm Up-TBA

(C) M/E Back Squat with Bands

(D) Individually for time-3 Rounds 12 Sumo Deadlifts, 9 Front Squats@60%1RM, 6 Hang Power Cleans

(A) Shoulder Strength & Stability & Glute Activation

(B) Warm Up-Clean & Jerk Limitations

(C) M/E Back Squat Anyway

(D) Individually for time-3 Rounds 12 Sumo Deadlifts, 9 Front Squats@60%1RM, 6 Hang Power Cleans


(A) Shoulder Strength & Stability & Glute Activation

(B) Warm Up-TBA 

(C) M/E Back Squat with Bands

(D) Individually for time-3 Rounds 12 Sumo Deadlifts, 9 Front Squats@60%1RM, 6 Hang Power Cleans


(A) Shoulder Strength & Stability & Glute Activation

(B) Warm Up-Clean & Jerk Limitations

(C) M/E Back Squat Anyway

(D) Individually for time-3 Rounds 12 Sumo Deadlifts, 9 Front Squats@60%1RM, 6 Hang Power Cleans


(A) Shoulder Strength & Stability & Glute Activation

(B) Warm Up-TBA

(C) M/E Back Squat with bands

(D) Individually for time-3 Rounds 12 Sumo Deadlifts, 9 Front Squats@60%1RM, 6 Hang Power Cleans
FROM THE COACH (A)  (B) Use this time to focus on your limitations in the clean&jerk or to focus on the movement pattern you will use on thursday (C) Chains & Bells, Bands, Box, Anyway you like  (D) The front squat weight will dictate the other movements weight (E) 

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