Friday, July 18, 2014

M/E Clean & Jerk Anyway, In teams of 2 20 Atlas Stone G2Shoulder 66/43kg, 30 Muscle Ups, 40 HSPU

Mobility WOD

Episode 1-10min Squat Test

Episode 2-Couch Stretch


(A) Shoulder Strength & Stability & Glute Activation

(B) Warm Up-TBA

(C) Atlas Stone Technique

(D) In teams of 2 for time-20 Atlas Stone Ground2Shoulder 33/20kg, 30 Pullups/Ring Rows, 40 Strict Pushups/HR Pushups


(A) Shoulder Strength & Stability & Glute Activation

(B) Warm Up-TBA

(C) Atlas Stone Technique

(D) In teams of 2 for time-20 Atlas Stone Ground2Shoulder 33/20kg, 30 Pullups/Ring Rows, 40 Strict Pushups/HR Pushups  


(A) Shoulder Strength & Stability & Glute Activation

(B) Warm Up-TBA

(C) Power Clean & Push Jerk-Work to the limits of your movement

(D) In teams of 2 for time-20 Atlas Stone Ground2Shoulder 43/33kg, 30 C2Bar/Pullups, 40 HSPU/HSPU 1 Abmat    

(A) Shoulder Strength & Stability & Glute Activation

(B) Warm Up-TBA

(C) M/E Clean & Jerk or Either

(D) In teams of 2 for time-20 Atlas Stone Ground2Shoulder 66/43kg, 30 Muscle Ups, 40 HSPU 


(A) Shoulder Strength & Stability & Glute Activation

(B) Warm Up-TBA 

(C) Power Clean & Push Jerk-Work to the limits of your movement

(D) In teams of 2 for time-20 Atlas Stone Ground2Shoulder 33/20kg, 30 Pullups/Ring Rows, 40 Strict Pushups/HR Pushups


(A) Shoulder Strength & Stability & Glute Activation

(B) Warm Up-TBA

(C) M/E Clean & Jerk or Either

(D) In teams of 2 for time-20 Atlas Stone Ground2Shoulder 66/43kg, 30 Muscle Ups, 40 HSPU 
FROM THE COACH (A)  (B)  (C) Your Choice, from the Hang, Push Jerk, Split Jerk  (D) This is a modified version of the triples chipper and could be one of the events of CFS 2

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