Thursday, October 2, 2014

(A) Mobility (B) Glute Activation & Warm Up- 3 Rounds 5m Bear Crawl Pulling Sled with weight, 10m Handstand Walk Stopping Every 2m, 15 Banded KB Swings (C) M/E Banded Deadlift-Blue/Red Band (D) Individually for time-"Diane" 21-15-9 Deadlifts 102/70kg, HSPU (E) Individually complete-3 x 15 AHAP Hip Thrusts


(A) Mobility

(BGlute Activation & Warm Up- 3 Rounds 5 Strict Pushups, 10m Bear Crawl, 15 Russian KB Swings Heavy

(C) Deadlift-Work to the limits of your movement

(D) Individually for time-15-12-9 Deadlifts@65%1RM, Pushups
FROM THE COACH (A) TBA (B) If you don't have a Strict Pushup then use abmats , Increase the load each round (C) Conventional (D)  If you don't have a 1RM Deadlfit see coach 


(A) Mobility

(BGlute Activation & Warm Up- 3 Rounds 5 Strict HPSU, 10m Bear Crawl, 15 Russian KB Swings Heavy

(C) M/E Banded Deadlift-Blue/Red Band

(D) Individually for time-"Diane" 21-15-9 Deadlifts 102/70kg, HSPU
FROM THE COACH (A) TBA (B) If you don't have a Strict Handstand Pushup then use abmats , Increase the load each round, get AHAP (C) Conventional (D)  If you don't have a handstand do beginner


(A) Mobility

(BGlute Activation & Warm Up- 3 Rounds 5m Bear Crawl Pulling Sled with weight, 10m Handstand Walk Stopping Every 2m, 15 Banded KB Swings

(C) M/E Banded Deadlift-Blue/Red Band

(D) Individually for time-"Diane" 21-15-9 Deadlifts 102/70kg, HSPU

(E) Individually complete-3 x 15 AHAP Hip Thrusts    

FROM THE COACH (A) TBA (B) If you don't have a Handstand Walk work a progression, Banded KB Swing Demo  (C) Conventional or Sumo (D)  (E) Here for Demo


(A) Mobility

(BGlute Activation & Warm Up- 3 Rounds 5 Strict HPSU, 10m Bear Crawl, 15 Russian KB Swings Heavy

(C) M/E Banded Deadlift-Blue/Red Band

(D) Individually complete-21-15-9 Deadlifts 102/70kg Unbroken

(E) Individually complete-3 x 15 AHAP Hip Thrusts 
FROM THE COACH (A) TBA (B) If you don't have a Strict Handstand Pushup then use abmats , Increase the load each round, get AHAP (C) Conventional (D)  If you break a set, take more rest and go again (E) Here for Demo

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