Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Snatch Limitations, 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 C2Bar Pullups, Double Double Unders, 1-3RM Snatch



(A) Mobility 

(BWarm Up-In 5mins Max L-Sit Hold,5 Air Squats, 5 Pullups

(C) Shoulder Strength & Stability-3 Rounds 5 Muscle Snatch, 5 Barbell Overhead Shrugs

(D) Snatch-Work to the limits of your movement

(E) Individually for time-18-15-12-9-6-3 Double Unders, 3 Power Snatch@55%1rm between sets of double unders

FROM THE COACH (A) From the mobility you have learnt for the snatch, do what works for you. Spend 10mins (B) Challenge yourself on each of the movements in the warm up (C) Use a weight that you can maintain good bar paths (D)  (E) If you don't have double unders count your singles and your attempts at double unders. The only way you get better at double unders is doing double unders


(A) Mobility 

(BWarm Up-In 5mins Max L-Sit Hold,10 One Legged Squats Alternating, 10 Hollow Rocks

(C) Shoulder Strength & Stability-3 Rounds 5 Muscle Snatch, 10 Barbell Overhead Shrugs

(D) M/E Snatch

(E) Individually for time-21-18-15 Pullups, Double Double Unders

FROM THE COACH (A) From the mobility you have learnt for the snatch, do what works for you. Spend 10mins (B) Challenge yourself on each of the movements in the warm up (C) Use an unloaded barbell and increase the load each round if able to (D)  (E) Keep aiming for unbroken reps on the pullup, get as deep as you can into the workout before you need to break them up  

(A) Mobility 

(BWarm Up-In 5mins Max L-Sit Hold,10 One Legged Squats Alternating, 10 Hollow Rocks

(C) Shoulder Strength & Stability-3 Rounds 5 Muscle Snatch, 10 Barbell Overhead Shrugs

(D) Snatch-Work to the limits of your movement

(E) Individually for time-21-18-15-12-9-6-3 C2Bar Pullups, Double Double Unders

(F) 1-3RM Snatch

FROM THE COACH (A) From the mobility you have learnt for the snatch, do what works for you. Spend 10mins (B) Challenge yourself on each of the movements in the warm up (C) Use an unloaded barbell and increase the load each round if able to (D) Focus on your limitations here, no heavier then your starting weight for F (E) Keep aiming for unbroken reps on the C2Bar, get as deep as you can into the workout before you need to break them up (F) Anyway  


(A) Mobility & Breathing 

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-3 x 15 Horizontal Row with External Rotation with Bands 

(CWarm Up-In 5mins 10 Shoulder Taps, 10 Hollow Rocks, 10 Supermans 

(F) 1-3RM Clean&orJerk

FROM THE COACH (A) Spend 5mins smashing your guts with a medball & chatting about diaphragmatic breathing (B) Only go as heavy as you can maintaing right angles, this is similar to the face pull but pull it out in line with your shoulders then perform external rotation (C) Get tight & stay tight  (F) Anyway  

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