Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Hang Power Clean Cycling, 9-15-21 HPC@55%1RM, Pullups, 1-3RM Snatch AW, 2-7RM OHS AW

(A) Mobility

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-3 x 15 Internal Rotation with Bands 

(CWarm Up-In 5mins 3 Strict Pushups, 4 Air Squats, 5 Pullups 

(D) Hang Power Clean Limitations

(E) Individually for time-9-15-21 Hang Power Clean@55%1RM, Pullups/Jumping Pullups

FROM THE COACH (A) Spend 2mins in the band each shoulder, 2mins with a single lacrosse ball in the 1st Rib both sides (B) Only go as heavy as you can maintaing right angles (C) Our aim here is to keep getting stronger with our basic gymnastic movements  (D) Use this time to get stronger on your movement (E) Practicing good movement patterns during this time   

(A) Mobility

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-3 x 15 Internal Rotation with Bands 

(CWarm Up-In 5mins 3 High Hang Clean High Pulls, 3 High Hang Muscle Clean, 3 Push Jerks, 5 Butterfly Pullups 

(D) Hang Power Clean Limitations-Cycling Reps

(E) Individually for time-9-15-21 Hang Power Clean@55%1RM, Pullups
FROM THE COACH (A) Spend 2mins in the band each shoulder, 2mins with a single lacrosse ball in the 1st Rib both sides (B) Only go as heavy as you can maintaing right angles (C) Here for Buttefly pull-up progression part 1 (D) Today we are going to focus on cycling reps and efficiency (E) Practicing Cycling, when you need to rest drop the bar until you are ready to cycle reps again 


(A) Mobility

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-3 x 15 Internal Rotation with Bands 

(CWarm Up-In 5mins 3 High Hang Clean High Pulls, 3 High Hang Muscle Clean, 3 Push Jerks, 5 Butterfly Pullups 

(D) Hang Power Clean Limitations-Cycling Reps

(E) Individually for time-9-15-21 Hang Power Clean@55%1RM, Pullups

(F) 1-3RM Snatch

(G) 2-7RM Olympic OverHead Squat Anyway & Mobility Between Sets
FROM THE COACH (A) Spend 2mins in the band each shoulder, 2mins with a single lacrosse ball in the 1st Rib both sides (B) Only go as heavy as you can maintaing right angles (C) Here for Buttefly pull-up progression part 1 (D) Today we are going to focus on cycling reps and efficiency (E) Practicing Cycling, when you need to rest drop the bar until you are ready to cycle reps again (F) If you are a part of the AusFL focus on a 1RM (G) Focus is strength development for the snatch & clean. Let's get deep, and build to a 2-7RM.  We are going to use the time between sets to improve your mobility in the squat


(A) Mobility-Internal Rotation Focus

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-3 x 15 Internal Rotation with Bands 

(CWarm Up-In 5mins 3 Strict Pushups, 4 Air Squats, 5 Pullups  

(D) 1-3RM Snatch

(E) 2-7RM Olympic Overhead Squat Anyway & Mobility Between Sets

FROM THE COACH (A) Spend 2mins in the band each shoulder, 2mins with a single lacrosse ball in the 1st Rib both sides (B) Only go as heavy as you can maintaing right angles (C) Aim to get through 3 rounds minimum in the warm up (D) Continually change movements and rep ranges here (E) Focus is strength development for the snatch & clean. Let's get deep, and build to a 2-7RM.  We are going to use the time between sets to improve your mobility in the squat

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