Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Snatch Limitations, Opens Workout 13.4, 1-3RM Snatch AW, 2-7RM OHS & Mobility



(A) Mobility

(BWarm Up-2 Rounds 5 Air Squats, 10 Pass Throughs, 5 OHS

(C) 1 High Hang Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch + 1 Snatch-Work to the limits of your movement

(D) Individually for max reps in 7mins-Opens Workout 13.4 Modified 3 Clean & Jerk 40/30kg, 3 T2Bar, 6 Clean & Jerk, 6 T2Bar, 9 Clean & Jerk, 9 T2Bar etc

FROM THE COACH (A) Improve your Thoracic Extension for the OHS & Snatch (B) Keep aiming to improve your movements through the warm up (C) Here for Demo (D) If you don't have T2Bar, the rep range will give you an opportunity to work on them  f  


(A) Mobility

(BWarm Up-3 Rounds 5 Sotts Press Increasing,5 Snatch Balance Increasing, 5 Snatch 

(C) 1 High Hang Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch + 1 Snatch-Work to the limits of your movement

(D) Individually for max reps in 7mins-Opens Workout 13.4 Modified 3 Clean & Jerk 50/35kg, 3 T2Bar, 6 Clean & Jerk, 6 T2Bar, 9 Clean & Jerk, 9 T2Bar etc

FROM THE COACH (A) Improve your Thoracic Extension for the OHS & Snatch (B) Sotts Press slow & Controlled, Snatch Balance, focus on finishing position, 5 Snatch (C) Here for Demo (D) If you can handle the weight then do the workout as requested  61/43kg

(A) Mobility

(BWarm Up-3 Rounds 5 Sotts Press Increasing,5 Snatch Balance Increasing, 5 Snatch 

(C) Snatch Limitations

(D) Individually for max reps in 7mins-Opens Workout 13.4 3 Clean & Jerk 61/43kg, 3 T2Bar, 6 Clean & Jerk, 6 T2Bar, 9 Clean & Jerk, 9 T2Bar etc

(E) 1-3RM Snatch Anyway

(F) 2-7RM Olympic Overhead Squat Anyway & Mobility Between Sets

FROM THE COACH (A) Improve your Thoracic Extension for the OHS & Snatch (B) Sotts Press slow & Controlled, Snatch Balance, focus on finishing position, 5 Snatch (C) Unbalance the scales of good technique vs bad technique in your favour. More is better (D)  (E) Any variation of the snatch, 1 Hang, 1 Full Etc for a 2RM. (F) Focus is strength development for the snatch & clean. Let's get deep, and build to a 2-7RM.  We are going to use the time between sets to improve your mobility in the squat


(A) Mobility

(BWarm Up-3 Rounds 5 Sotts Press Increasing,5 Snatch Balance Increasing, 5 Snatch 

(C) 1-3RM Snatch Anyway

(D) 2-7RM Olympic Overhead Squat Anyway & Mobility Between Sets

FROM THE COACH (A) Improve your Thoracic Extension for the OHS & Snatch (B) Sotts Press slow & Controlled, Snatch Balance, focus on finishing position, 5 Snatch (C) Any variation of the snatch, 1 Hang, 1 Full Etc for a 2RM. (D) Focus is strength development for the snatch & clean. Let's get deep, and build to a 2-7RM.  We are going to use the time between sets to improve your mobility in the squat

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