Friday, August 29, 2014

M/E Wide Stance Squat AW, Front Rack Walking Lunge AHAP, Atlas Stones & Jumping Squats


(A) Mobility

(BGlute Activation-Warm up with Wide Stance Box Squats

(C) Squat Wide Stance-Work to the limits of your movement

(D) In teams of 2 for time-3 Rounds each athlete Athlete A 1 Atlas Stone 43/30kg Ground to Front Rack Carry 10m drop & carry back, immediately progress through 8, 6, 4, 2, 1 reps of air squats unbroken. Athlete B resting

(E) Mobility

FROM THE COACH (A) Spend 2mins each leg Super Frog PNF (contract 5seconds, relax 10secs) & 2mins each leg banded distraction (B) No plonking on the box and keep shins vertical, if you loose position move on (C) Squat- Lest amount of sets, least amount of reps to 90%. Anyway can be banded, KB&Chains, straight bar, to a box etc (D) Just do the work today (E) Spend as much time as possible barbell smashing your abductors & rolling (inside of your thigh)


(A) Mobility

(BGlute Activation-Warm up with Wide Stance Box Squats

(C) M/E Squat Wide Stance-Anyway

(D) In teams of 2 for time-3 Rounds each athlete Athlete A 1 Atlas Stone 66/43kg Ground to Front Rack Carry 10m drop & then carry back 10m, immediately progress through 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 reps of unbroken  jumping squats. Athlete B resting

(E) Mobility

FROM THE COACH (A) Spend 2mins each leg Super Frog PNF (contract 5seconds, relax 10secs) & 2mins each leg banded distraction (B) No plonking on the box and keep shins vertical, if you loose position move on (C) Squat- Lest amount of sets, least amount of reps to 90%. Anyway can be banded, KB&Chains, straight bar, to a box etc (D) Just do the work today (E) Spend as much time as possible barbell smashing your abductors & rolling (inside of your thigh)


(A) Mobility

(BGlute Activation-Warm up with Wide Stance Box Squats

(C) M/E Squat Wide Stance-Anyway

(D) Individually complete AHAP-Front Rack Walking Lunge 12 Steps

(E) In teams of 2 for time-3 Rounds each athlete Athlete A 1 Atlas Stone 78/66kg Ground to Front Rack Carry 10m drop & then carry back 10m, immediately progress through 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 reps of unbroken jumping squats 20/15kg. Athlete B resting

(F) Mobility

FROM THE COACH (A) Spend 2mins each leg Super Frog PNF (contract 5seconds, relax 10secs) & 2mins each leg banded distraction (B) No plonking on the box and keep shins vertical, if you loose position move on (C) Squat- Lest amount of sets, least amount of reps to 90%. Anyway can be banded, KB&Chains, straight bar, to a box etc (D) Starting Weights 61/40kg. Add 10/5kg each round until you cannot complete 12 steps (E) Just do the work today (F) Spend as much time as possible barbell smashing your abductors & rolling (inside of your thigh)


(A) Mobility

(BGlute Activation-Warm up with Wide Stance Box Squats

(C) M/E Squat Wide Stance-Anyway

(D) In teams of 2 for time-3 Rounds each athlete Athlete A 1 Atlas Stone 78kg Ground to Front Rack Carry 10m drop & then carry back 10m, immediately progress through 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 reps of unbroken  jumping squats. Athlete B resting

(E) Mobility

FROM THE COACH (A) Spend 2mins each leg Super Frog PNF (contract 5seconds, relax 10secs) & 2mins each leg banded distraction (B) No plonking on the box and keep shins vertical, if you loose position move on (C) Squat- Lest amount of sets, least amount of reps to 90%. Anyway can be banded, KB&Chains, straight bar, to a box etc (D) Just do the work today (E) Spend as much time as possible barbell smashing your abductors & rolling (inside of your thigh)

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