Friday, August 22, 2014

3 Min Hollow Rock Challenge, SSS, W/U 3 Rnds 15 OLS, 15 HSPU, C&J Limitations, 10-1 KB Snatch@45%1RM, T2Bar, 1-3RM C&orJ AW

(A) Mobility & 3min Hollow Hold Challenge

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-2 x 15 Internal & External Rotation with Bands  

(CWarm Up-In 5mins 10 Air Squats, 10 HR pushups

(D) 1 High Hang Clean + 1 Hang Clean + 1 Clean-Work to the limits of your movement

(E) Individually for time- KB Snatch@45%1RM, T2Bar

FROM THE COACH (A) Improve your External Rotation of Shoulders & Hollow Body Position Challenge (B) Keep aiming to get stronger with this (C) If 10 & 10 is a bit much for you, do 5 reps (D) Unbalance the scales of good technique vs bad technique in your favour. More is better. (E) Perform 5 Snatch on the Right Arm then 5 on the Left before moving onto T2Bar


(A) Mobility & 3min Hollow Rock Challenge

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-2 x 15 Internal & External Rotation with Bands  

(CWarm Up-3 Rounds 10 Alternating OLS, 10 Kipping HSPU 

(D) 1 High Hang Clean + 1 Hang Clean + 1 Clean & Split Jerk-Work to the limits of your movement

(E) Individually for time- KB Snatch@45%1RM, T2Bar

FROM THE COACH (A) Improve your External Rotation of Shoulders & Hollow Rock Challenge (B) Keep aiming to get stronger with this (C) If 10 & 10 is a bit much for you, do the beginner part B (D) Unbalance the scales of good technique vs bad technique in your favour. More is better. Right Felipe? (E) Perform 10 Snatch on the Right Arm then 10 on the Left before moving onto T2Bar. This workout is a sprint so start fast and hang on (F) Any variation of the clean & or jerk.

(A) Mobility & 3min Hollow Rock Challenge

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-3 x 15 Internal & External Rotation with Bands  

(CWarm Up-3 Rounds 15 Alternating OLS, 15 Kipping HSPU 

(D) Clean & Jerk Limitations

(E) Individually for time- KB Snatch@45%1RM, T2Bar

(F) 1-3RM Clean&orJerk Anyway

FROM THE COACH (A) Improve your External Rotation of Shoulders & Hollow Rock Challenge (B) Keep aiming to get stronger with this (C) If 15 & 15 is a bit much for you, do the intermediate part B (D) Unbalance the scales of good technique vs bad technique in your favour. More is better. Right Felipe? (E) Perform 10 Snatch on the Right Arm then 10 on the Left before moving onto T2Bar. This workout is a sprint so start fast and hang on (F) Any variation of the clean & or jerk.

(A) Mobility & 3min Hollow Rock Challenge

(BShoulder Strength & Stability-3 x 15 Internal & External Rotation with Bands  

(CWarm Up-In 5mins 10 Air Squats, 10 HR pushups 

(D) 1-3RM Clean & Or Jerk Anyway

(E) 2-7RM Snatch Balance & Max Rep T2Bar Between Sets

FROM THE COACH (A) Improve your External Rotation of Shoulders & Hollow Rock Challenge (B) Keep aiming to get stronger with this (C)  (D) Don't do the same lifts here each week. Change it, do power cleans & push Jerks etc, just hang clean or do a triple. If you get stale your results will stop (E) Get real deep in the balance, try pausing for 2 seconds in the bottom. 

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