Tuesday, February 11, 2014

SSS 5, Ind for time-1000m Run, 10 Muscle Ups, 800m Run, 8 Muscle Ups, 600m Run 6 Muscle Ups, 400m Run 4 Muscle Ups, 200m Run 2 Muscle Ups

Beginner 6am, 9:30am, 7:30pm

(A) Shoulder Strength & Stability 5

(B)  Individually for time-100 Air Squats, 5 C2Bar Ups, 5 Ring Dips, 80 Sit Ups, 4 C2Bar Ups, 4 Ring Dips  60 Air Squats, 3C2Bar Ups, 3 Ring Dips, 40 Situps, 2 C2Bar Ups, 2 Ring Dips (30min Cap)
Intermediate 6am, 9:30am, 6:30pm

(A) Shoulder Strength & Stability 5

(B)  Individually for time-100 Air Squats, 5 Muscle Ups, 80 Sit Ups, 4 Muscle Ups, 60 Air Squats, 3 Muscle Ups, 40 Situps, 2 Muscle Ups, (30min Cap)
Advanced 6am & 9:30am & 5:30pm

(A) Shoulder Strength & Stability 5

(B)  Individually for time-1000m Run, 10 Muscle Ups, 800m Run, 8 Muscle Ups, 600m Run 6 Muscle Ups, 400m Run 4 Muscle Ups, 200m Run 2 Muscle Ups (30min Cap)
Coaches Tips-(A) Do this in the box (B) Focus today will be on efficiency of movement. Females will do half the amount of reps. 

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