Monday, February 25, 2013

ME Hang Snatch in 6 attempts

Super Youth

(A) Warm Up, Technique, Hang Snatch 

(B) Individually complete 800m Run ,Rest 3mins then 3 Rounds 5 OHS 50/35, 7 HR Pushups, Rest 3mins then Run 800m


(A) Warm Up, Technique, Hang Snatch 

(B) Individually complete 800m Run ,Rest 3mins then 3 Rounds 5 OHS 50/35, 7 HR Pushups, Rest 3mins then Run 800m


(A) Warm Up to 75% of 1RM hang snatch then it's 6 attempts for a ME Hang Snatch. Wind the weight back to then 3x3@75% of ME 

(B) Individually complete 800m Run ,Rest 3mins then 3 Rounds 5 OHS 60/40, 7 HSPU, Rest 3mins then Run 800m.

(C) 50 HR Pushups for Time
Focus- (A) There is no time pressure with this one (B) 800m Runs are expected to be sub 3mins. HSPU can be scaled with bands in this workout (C) You will be judging each other with this one.


  1. A) Max effort on the hang snatch was 75kg's today which i was happy about..
    Then wound it back to 56kg for the 3x3 and got all lifts..

    B)We did 3 min DU's instead of 800 due to the rain.. 1st 3min 102 (had the shortened rope)so struggled more than normal. But finished the WOD in 3.50 or something close to that then got 120 the next round of du's with normal rope.. Mi i struggled with the cardio side of du's not technique so happy with that..

    C)0.55 to finish.. Was tough..

    Very satisfied with tonights results bring on another big week....

  2. (A) 77.5kg Hang Snatch PB! 3x3 at 60kg
    (B) 147 DUs WOD 4ish minutes (no repped by jody for the HSPUs. Ive never thought of it as only half a rep on the last one but now that its been pointed out it makes perfect sense lol) 116 DUs on second round
    (C) 2:03

  3. A) The lifts just didn't feel right tonight. i knew i had to get it back in my heals more but i couldn't manage it. i was really disappointed/annoyed at myself which just made things worse.
    hang snatch was 58.2kg
    3x3 @ 50kg

    B) i love DUs the only thing i went good at tonight
    202 for 1st 3mins
    7:05 I usually smash out the HSPU they should been unbroken but weren't
    the 60kg felt like a ton tonight
    205 for 2nd 3 mins

    C) 2:07 for HRPU
    shoulders are destroyed!

  4. A. Got 70kg failed 75 twice
    B. D/U 153
    Wod 4:35
    D/U 132
    HRPU 0:31
    Need to stretch my arms out,always seem to tighten up with overheads. A good session tonight expecting it to only get tougher as the week progresses!

  5. (A) 37kg!! Not much, BUT this is my heaviest for any snatch lif - I think I should really work on this to get my confidence with the heavier weight over head and then use that to work on a full snatch.

    3 x 3 @ 27.5 - a couple of wobbly ones.

    (B) DU - 117, WOD (@ 35kg + banded HSPU) 10:57, D/U 132

    I was much better on the 2nd round of D/U.

    (C) 1:18 - I went too fast at the start, and the last 20 were killer.

  6. Hang Snatch 45kg (New PB)
    3*3 at 35kg

    152 Double unders
    122 Double unders
    2.20 pushups
